Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey there!

My name is Julie! 
I’m very new to using Flickr and Blogger, but I have been following stalking so many really amazing blogs, I thought I should create my own!
A little bit about me, I'm a 16 year old Junior in high school living in Southern California. I live with my parents, my brother and the two cutest puppies you've ever seen.

I like trees...

And music...

And making yummy food...

And fabric... (who doesn't?!)

And sewing!

I love trying new things, and in Spring of 2012, I decided I wanted to make a quilt. I honestly have no idea where that came from considering I had next to no sewing experience. I came across Jeni's A M A Z I N G blog and fell in love. The next day I went to Joann's and got everything I needed and called up my Grandma to ask if I could borrow her sewing machine. It was so fun and exciting! (Even on my grandma's ancient machine that wouldn't even allow me to sew with a 1/4 in seam allowance) Unfortunately I should have  s l o w e d  down and started with something easier. I'm sorry to say that that quilt is now sitting on top of my bookshelf, butchered beyond repair. I made so many silly mistakes I know it would be so time consuming to make them right and finish it. Maybe someday! 

After that I was extremely discouraged until November, when I broke down and got my very own sewing machine, my Singer Confidence Quilter! I love it so much and since then I have completed many projects and started 8 quilts. I have this awful habit of not finishing things before starting something else. I'm working on it, okay!

I can't wait to share all my past and future projects!
Thanks for reading!


  1. My husband would now chime in and tell you that you and I are in the same boat. I did however finish 6 quilts last year but have 6 Unfinished quilts. I totally understand the reading others blogs. so much fun to see what other creative folks are up to. The sewing machine and the feet you get with them make all the difference. I think the tools really can improve the experience of making quilts good luck on your quilting journey.

    1. Starting new projects is so fun and exciting, I just can't help myself! I am working on it though. My new sewing machine really is one of the best things thats ever happened to me. Before I got it, I was convinced that I would just never be good at sewing!
      Thanks so much for the comment!

  2. excellent!!! awesome.....great to hear that you're into quilting. it's an amazing hobby, and...there's never such a thing as a butchered creation.....it's always "re-arrangeable" cut smaller pieces out of the "butchered" ones and use them for other projects. that's where scrappy quilts are great - you can use anything and everything for them.

    i have a bin for scraps (well i have a few bins actually)so i organize them a bit as i go along.

  3. I collect scraps too, but I never thought of that, thanks for the idea!
